As I gained experience I was able to see more and become knowledgeable of many gems in NYC. Dover Street Market was for sure one of them. Moncler commissioned us to fabricate two pop up shops, one for men and the other for women. As well as some store activations to coincide. This included:
Custom crinkled paper walls application to emulate mountains with snow accents • The women’s shop has this effect from the back wall down the entire flooring • Custom steel hang bar racks powder coated in black • 3D cut logos in white and mirror finish • Women’s section has mannequin bases preinstalled in the flooring to have a floating airy feel.
This was one of my earlier site surveys. I followed the direction of the production manager for the most part. I recorded all notes form client meetings and site visits. Once back at the office I organized all the details by location and started drawing. The drawings on this website are without the tons of details and dimensions found in the client approval presentations.